Messy Play, Water Play and Cold Weather!

At Young Discoverers Care & Early Learning Centres we are very fortunate to have great outdoor spaces and lots of shade sails, so in our hot Queensland climate we can enjoy outdoor play in the shade. But what about in winter when the weather is cold? Playing...

Money does not grow on trees…

Money does not grow on trees With the cost of living going up at the moment, it’s an ideal time to start teaching our kids about money. There are lots of resources out there that help us do this.  One resource to recommend is The Barefoot Investor For Families....

Talking to our kids

So often, in today’s society, we are really busy and worried that we aren’t doing or providing enough to ensure that our children are ready for school. An easy way to make the most of our time with our children, is to have conversations. Talking to our kids at every...