Life is so busy, that sometimes we forget to take a breath and appreciate nature. The children have been learning how God made this beautiful world that we live in and it really is amazing. From the smallest animals, to biggest waterfalls. He made the planets and stars that we look at in the night sky. When life is so busy, how do we help our kids to stop and take a breath and embrace the nature that God has provided for us to enjoy?
Here are just some ideas that can be used, but the possibilities are endless.
- Take short walks with your child. When walking, even in urban areas, take note of nature. Take photos, or let your child take the photo, of a bird, flower, animal, bug, tree, or anything that catches their attention.
- Even while driving, point out nature. Play games like “I Spy” and point out different parts of nature.
- Create or print off your own scavenger hunt checklist that your child can keep with them. They can check things off the list as they go about their day (find a free example below)
- Allow your child to get involved with activities around the garden, like planting flowers, raking up leaves, and pulling our weeds. Talk about every bug that is found, and just enjoy nature together.
- Lastly, you can start a nature book. Let your child either take a photo or draw a picture of something from nature every day that they have enjoyed looking at or interacting with.
Helping your child to enjoy nature isn’t difficult, but we have to be intentional about it, or it gets missed. These are 5 simple ways to be intentional about introducing your children to the beautiful creation that God has made for us to enjoy, but the possibilities are endless. Now go out and enjoy nature.