Gold Coast Childcare

Growing Emotionally Intelligent Children

Growing Emotionally Intelligent Children

by Simone Herring (chaplain, counsellor, pastor) Emotions are the first language we learn. Long before a baby can talk, it can express and communicate its feelings of pain, frustration and contentment. But not all people grow up to be emotionally intelligent and some...

Including children in the family chores

Including children in the family chores

Children can learn so much from joining in and doing some chores at home. Children are a part of the family, and as such, doing chores helps them to learn the skills they will need to run a household as an adult and lets them feel a sense of responsibility with being...

Emotional Regulation

Babies cry and toddlers throw tantrums. These children in our care provide such joy, but parenting is so stressful too. Teaching our children to deal with their emotions in a healthy way is key to helping them learn to cope with the challenges in life. The problem is...