Emotional Regulation

by | Sep 21, 2023 | For Parents, Uncategorised | 0 comments

Babies cry and toddlers throw tantrums. These children in our care provide such joy, but parenting is so stressful too. Teaching our children to deal with their emotions in a healthy way is key to helping them learn to cope with the challenges in life. The problem is that we haven’t all been taught how to deal with our own emotions in a healthy manner, and so often struggle with our own emotional regulation (a person’s ability to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience). Here is an article from the American Psychological Association which outlines some tips to help you teach your child/ren to regulate their emotions in a healthy way. How to help kids understand and manage their emotions (apa.org).

If you, as a parent struggle with your emotional regulation, here is an article to provide tips for you. Emotional Regulation: Skills, Exercises, and Strategies (betterup.com).

Talk to our chaplains or educators at Young Discoverers for any help or support you need in this aspect of life.


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