Tranquility Gardens Visit

Today our 2019 Preschool Class walked around the corner to visit our friends and neighbours at the Aveo Tranquility Gardens Retirement Village.

Here we entertained the gathered residents with our fabulous Christmas Carol singing and even sang to them one in sign language.  The residents were very impressed!  And the Preschoolers took great delight in gifting each of the residents a handmade Christmas decoration.  Imagine their surprise when they were in return gifted a small knitted handmade elf each.  One of the ladies had knitted an elf for every single child and educator present.  The children’s eye’s nearly popped out of their heads!  They were very excited!

We love having this very special relationship with our older friends.  And I think they love having us visit too!

Our 2020 Preschool Class has already been asked to visit!



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