"Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!" (Dr Suess) This quote from Dr Suess rings so true ... We hope that this Christmas you spend quality time with your families, creating memories to last a...
All you need to bring is a change of clothes & a water bottle…
Did you know that at our Long Day Centres, Helensvale and Highland Reserve we aim to provide just about everything your child needs when in our care... All you need to bring each day is a change of clothes and a drink bottle for water!!! As well as amazing educational...
Helping Families Tick All the Childcare Subsidy Boxes…
The Department of Education, Skills and Employment have advised that families who have been receiving the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) (prior to this current period where there is no out of pocket fees payable by parents...) need to confirm their income by...